Memory Game

Live -

A retro grid-based game in vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS

For full description visit.


//create your board function createBoard() { for (let i = 0; i < cardArray.length; i++) { var card = document.createElement(‘img’) card.setAttribute(‘src’, ‘images/blank.png’) card.setAttribute(‘data-id’, i) card.addEventListener(‘click’, flipCard) grid.appendChild(card) } }

Check for match function

// function checkForMatch() { var cards = document.querySelectorAll(‘img’) const optionOneId = cardsChosenId[0] const optionTwoId = cardsChosenId[1] //if(optionOneId == optionTwoId) { cards[optionOneId].setAttribute(‘src’, ‘images/blank.png’) cards[optionTwoId].setAttribute(‘src’, ‘images/blank.png’) alert(‘You have clicked the same image!’) } else if (cardsChosen[0] === cardsChosen[1]) { alert(‘You found a match’) cards[optionOneId].setAttribute(‘src’, ‘images/white.png’) cards[optionTwoId].setAttribute(‘src’, ‘images/white.png’) cards[optionOneId].removeEventListener(‘click’, flipCard) cards[optionTwoId].removeEventListener(‘click’, flipCard) cardsWon.push(cardsChosen) } else { cards[optionOneId].setAttribute(‘src’, ‘images/blank.png’) cards[optionTwoId].setAttribute(‘src’, ‘images/blank.png’) alert(‘Sorry, try again’) } cardsChosen = [] cardsChosenId = [] resultDisplay.textContent = cardsWon.length if (cardsWon.length === cardArray.length/2) { resultDisplay.textContent = ‘Congratulations! You found them all!’ } }


//flip your card function flipCard() { var cardId = this.getAttribute(‘data-id’) cardsChosen.push(cardArray[cardId].name) cardsChosenId.push(cardId) this.setAttribute(‘src’, cardArray[cardId].img) if (cardsChosen.length ===2) { setTimeout(checkForMatch, 500) } }

createBoard() })

For full code you can visit

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